Adult Faith Formation

Adult faith formation is concerned with the ongoing faith life of adults. It asks the question: What do adults within the parish community need in order to grow in their faith? The goals of faith formation are: holiness of life (deepening of relationship with Christ in everyday life), active participation in the Christian community and service of God and neighbor.

Our mission is to implement the vision presented in the United States Bishop’s pastoral plan Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us

  • We seek to form a parish that is vitally alive in the faith. This community will provide a parish climate and an array of activities and resources designed to help adults more fully understand and live their faith.  
  • We seek to form adults who actively cultivate a lively baptismal and eucharistic spirituality with a powerful sense of mission and apostolate. Nourished by word, sacrament, and communal life, they will witness and share the Gospel in their homes, neighborhoods, places of work, and centers of culture.

Our mission has a twofold dimension:

  • The Formation of Parish Leadership for Adult Faith Formation.
  • The offering of Faith Formation Opportunities for Adults around the parish and in the community.

The St. Clement Faith Formation team meets throughout the year to plan events and activities. To join the team or suggest posible topics contact Maria Clay, Director of Faith Formation, by phone 513-641-3176 ext. 163, or by email