Celebrating the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation at St. Clement Parish
The welcoming of new members into the community is a joyous celebration for the whole community. For that reason, the parish staff and worship commission wish to promote the preferred tradition of celebrating baptism within the regular Sunday liturgy. For families who are not able to do that for various reasons, they may to choose to celebrate baptism outside of our community celebration.
As the Church has grown and evolved throughout history, the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation has changed in our tradition. Circumstances, theological development and reflection have influenced the sacrament from the appropriate age to the theology of the sacrament. In the Acts of the Apostles one sees that the laying on of hands and praying that Spirit of God come upon a person was a common practice. It has remained a part our tradition ever since.
Baptisms can be by infusion or immersion.
Godparents: Only one godparent is required. If there are 2 godparents, one must be male and one must be female. Both can be practicing Catholics or one can be a Christian Witness who practices another Christian faith. (Please read Choosing Godparents.)
To schedule a baptism contact Maria Clay, Director of Faith Formation, by calling the office at 513-641-3176, ext. 376, or by email DFF@stclementcincinnati.org.
Confirmation is one of the three sacraments of initiation along with Baptism and Holy Eucharist. One is not considered fully initiated until all three sacraments have been celebrated in a person’s life.
The sacrament of Confirmation starts the beginning of a fuller life and understanding of our Catholic tradition. It is not the conclusion of learning or participation in the Christian life. That understanding and participation continues throughout life.
“Confirmation is that sacrament which confirms the action of God in Baptism and strengthens individuals to become like Christ in the Eucharistic community. Canon Law describes the sacrament of Confirmation as the one by which the baptized person continues the path of Christian initiation.” (Sacraments for Young People, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, 2005, page 34).
Currently, St. Clement Parish celebrates the sacrament of Confirmation every other year. We follow Archdiocesan guidelines, which presently states the normal age for Confirmation is between the ages of twelve and sixteen. Prior to the reception of the sacrament, candidates are to be properly prepared through catechesis allowing them to make an informed decision about celebrating the sacrament.
In both the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation, the Church calls the candidates by name. In Baptism, parents are encouraged to give the child a name of a saint so that the child will always have a special relationship with a person believed to be in the eternal presence of God. For that reason, the candidates are encouraged to use the name given to them at Baptism as their Confirmation name as well. If the Baptismal name is not in conformity with Catholic tradition, a saint’s name will need to be chosen.
Sponsors for Confirmation must meet the follow qualifications according to Canon Law:
- Must be at least sixteen years of age
- Must be Catholic and fully initiated (been Baptized, received Eucharist and Confirmed).
- Cannot be bound by any canonical restrictions (divorced and remarried without having obtained an annulment).
- Cannot be the mother or father of the candidate.
If you have any questions, please contact Maria Clay, Director of Faith Formation, by email: DFF@stclementcincinnati.org.